E-cargobikes turn Ocado into a green grocer

Electric bikes turn Ocado into a green grocer
The Times has reported on our multi-year contract with Ocado to run a number of Ocado branded e-bikes across London. You can read the article by clicking here. We have extracted some quotes from the article below.
“Proponents believe electric cargo bikes represent the future of “last mile” urban delivery. “It’s ants, not elephants,” says James FitzGerald, co-founder and managing director of e-cargobikes.com. “Cargo bikes don’t work in rural Lincolnshire but they certainly do in urban conurbations.”
E-cargobikes.com co-founder James FitzGerald believes that even if the environmental arguments do not persuade online retailers, the economics ultimately will. He said: “All of the big grocers have been losing money, hand over fist on their online sales channels. They’ve been begging for a solution and now it’s here.”
“Each e-cargobike has a capacity of about 120 kilos, meaning it can deliver about three 40kg shops in one go. The food is stored in a chilled container and over the course of an eight-hour shift one cyclist can deliver to about 20 to 25 customers.”
E-cargobikes.com MD James FitzGerald said: “We collect the orders then go out on a route which might be five to six miles, making anywhere between two and six deliveries and then return to base, reload and repeat. So over an eight-hour shift we’re averaging three deliveries every 45 minutes before we return to base and reload. That’s how we manage to deliver a tonne of groceries in that eight-hour period, which is broadly in line with what a van can do, but we’re doing it using no fuel and far fewer emissions.”